There is massive fall hysteria going on right now.� People are writing about it online,� walking around in long sleeved shirts in 100+ degree weather, and staring up at tree leaves, willing them to change colors and drop. Our house, on the other hand, seems to have skipped early fall and headed straight on through to Halloween. I found that spider web right next to my car door this morning, stretched between two of the orange trees that line our driveway. When I got back from running errands it was gone. Gone, as in I could not find a trace of it anywhere. Spooky.
Speaking of spooky, we have a ghost in our house. It started with a vampire themed video of Scooby-Doo given as a gift by his Bu and Papa (my parents) aka the King and Queen of We Will Give You Everything You Want and Enable You Later, Too. Then a few trips to stores dripping in Halloween merchandise further fueled the obsession. The topper was a class trip to his school library. He brought home The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest and since then his goal is to make a ghost costume and scare unsuspecting family members in the forest. Because that is exactly what Papa Bear tries to do until the Cub Scout leader and Mama Bear get wise and, in the end, scare the overalls off Papa Bear.
We are not a family of bears living in a forest, but I still couldn’t resist cutting up a sheet for Mikey today.� And, yes, that is a perfectly serviceable sheet that I cut up.� And you know what?� Cutting it up felt as awesome as I anticipated.
Doesn’t Halloween technically fall within the realm of Fall? Not that we have that season here in AZ, but with our upcoming move to SC in less than 2 months, I’ve been reading up on this phenomenon known as “Fall” or “Autumn.”
In conclusion, you have not skipped Fall! :P
Well, actually that is true. But I am thinking like a World Marketing Genius, and have made “Fall” into the September holiday. Under this model, we have something to celebrate each month from September to February, and sometimes March if Easter is early. :P
But, no, living as close to the desert as I do, I’ve never actually experienced this “Fall” everyone talks about, either. I hear it’s nice! ;)
As I sit here at 6:30 in the morning, freezing my booty off (it’s 45 degrees right now) I’m feeling the ghost costume. It’s decidedly fall-like here in the mornings and evenings. Still 80+ during the day but slow going getting there.
Very Fall-like here too……cool/cold mornings and evenings and days in the low 70’s. Fabulous. The apple trees are ready to be picked and here and there the leaves are changing. I am not ready for Halloween but will embrace Fall :)
You two just described my dead of winter. :)
Two nights ago my husband turned the a/c down to 70 in an attempt to cool off the upstairs. I started to get a liitle cool, which gave me the perfect reason to run upstairs to grab my sweatshirt. Oh, how I miss my sweatshirts! I would walk around in them in 100+ degress if there wasn’t a possibility of passing out. :)
Are those fresh flowers in the background? You are so GOOD.
By the way, it’s summer here in Hawaii. 86 degrees and balmy. The ocean temperature is about 75. :)
I wanted it to be Fall so bad, but I am currently sitting in a leather recliner with a fan blowing on me and my pants pulled up to mid thigh, in my 95 degree hot house, I call a living room.
JJ, The Mister buys fresh flowers every week. I know.
I’m trying to enjoy the last bit of summer, but yes, bring on the cool mornings and no-humidity afternoons (that’s as good as it gets in the deep South!).
We have a big, scary spider that builds a big web between two columns on our porch every single night. Has been doing it for several weeks now, and every single morning, the web is completely gone! It’s kind of amazing to me, which is part of the reason I haven’t insisted that Wes kill it. That, and it’s eating bugs.