I’ve been stressed about a million and one things lately–some of them valid {but beyond my control} and some of them just me being my usual Type A freakazoid looking for things to worry about {will The Mr.’s severance bump us into a new tax bracket and force us to pay the remaining balance in taxes, leaving us penniless and on the street come April 15th?� This thought crossed my mind at 12:30am last night while I was trying to fall asleep.}
So when Seleta wrote this post yesterday, it was like she was speaking to me.� It’s a good one.� I hope you like it as much as I did.
p.s.� Me + higher power (God, for me) + relinquishing control = a task of unfathomable complexity.� Seriously–I just don’t know if I will ever get there.� Anyone else?
Oh wow! That was a great post. Thanks for sharing that. I’m not too terrible with relinquishing control but I am impatient with wanting to see results/movement. Which maybe amounts to the same thing? I don’t know.
As I grow older (hopefully wiser?) I’ve learned to relax more and more. When I do lay back, things just sort themselves out in a great/freaky sort of way.
All of this reminds me of my Mom – “Que sea lo que Dios quiera”
If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard that!
Thanks for sharing this. I go back and forth with releasing and then taking it all back for me to fix. Now that my kids are living on opposite coasts, I find it’s easier for me to let go of stuff about them. Out of sight, out of grasp?
you are SO the friend in my head! (a radio DJ around here used to use that expression :) what a wonderful link! it really helped me out today. was in tears almost this morning because it was just one of those days when you can’t get enough squeezes before leaving for work. and the little one will be starting day care next week and my boy will be in 2nd grade. ugh. trying to keep busy with google calendar and task lists. i will be organized and meals will be planned out! (i hope) i always have that inspiration when i see new pencils and pristine notebooks. but i have to remember to relinquish control…still working on that too.
thanks for the ray of sunshine & also a new fab blog for me to check out!
I come from a long line of worry warts. Add to this the fact that God seems intent on teaching me patience. Seriously. It seems so obvious that I’m not going to catch on. Not in a million years. Can’t we just move on to another lesson? Say … abundant blessing?! Sigh.
Love, joy, PEACE, PATIENCE … I guess there’s a reason they’re called the fruits of the spirit. They must be grown. Which means we must work at it. Wrteched luck really. Thankfully God is a God of grace. I love the way Max Lucado finishes his piece on this very topic: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace. And then, when the day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.”
I love Amy’s comment and I can c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.l.y relate. I find that if I remember to pray often (and not just when I need or want something), I have more faith that He is watching over me, and I feel safer. I find myself constantly being ‘tested’, almost as if to prove that He is out there. I pray for little things, like that the neighbor’s beat up truck will start. Everytime, He tells me when it will start – and it always does. I’ve just been to chicken to actually go over there and tell the neighbor not to worry, like I feel I’m always led to do.
We’re in a similar boat financially, but we are blessed, and the more I let go, the more I see that.
thanks to you all for your comments here are so right on. Being that I have been a Christian for almost 25 years and walking very closely with God, I still find myself doing the same thing…relinquishing control, very hard thing to do, and trusting that God has it all in control. I pray for each of us today to let go and trust God, He has it all under control. I thanks for another beautiful blogger (Simpy Seleta) God Bless you all beautiful ladies !!!!
I loved what she had to say.
And what you said as well….as always.
I just listened to this short podcast and I thought of your post.
It was really inspiring. I hope you like it.
Hi, it’s the other Type A freakazoid over here.
Just saying thanks for an AMAZING shout out and a “right back ‘atcha” all the way from the beach. Ohhhhh, I have the same struggle too. Looking ahead, never too good a thing, especially when it comes to the economy and how it can affect us. I have to force myself (with a little help from the big guy above) to appreciate each day and the blessings that come with it.
Thanks again for warming my heart. Blog friends are the best.