Yesterday was Day 60 of my new way of eating. A milestone, for sure. I haven’t cheated once, but I have come close, and my diet almost crumbled mid way through when I reintroduced grains.
People, it was a huge mistake to do it willy-nilly like I did.
Starting with day 31, I added 1 cup of grains to each of my three meals. I didn’t question the grain, other than to keep it whole and unprocessed. This was a huge mistake for me. For 9 days I suffered through unexplained mood swings, hunger, and frustration. That’s my version. Here is The Mister’s version: “You were an insane, raging harpy and I wanted to divorce you or kill you 8357592 times. An hour.” Jorjana said I seemed pissy, and that all of a sudden it just all seemed so hard for me.
That is exactly how I felt. All of a sudden, it was just disgustingly hard. I started skipping meals again, losing focus, and just feeling sorry for myself. On day 10 I took out the grains and went back to my old meal plan. I felt better within a few days, but the fact that I wasn’t eating grains bothered me. They are necessary. Period. I decided I needed to consult with a registered dietitian, someone who could help me introduce grains in a way that wouldn’t jeopardize my weight loss–or my marriage.
After a long search, I finally found Diane Keddy. I won’t devolve into an unhinged serial killer and list the countless reasons I love her, but suffice to say she is excellent and I highly recommend her services. Given my history of PCOS (and her extensive knowledge of the condition), she believes mindlessly adding grains to my diet was akin to making a diabetic swim in sugar water. After 30 days without sugar or grains, my body was like a bull in a china shop after reintroduction: clumsy, inept, and destructive. She advised me to eat grains low on the glycemic index. I did so last week, and have not really seen the issues I did a few weeks ago. The Mister is silent on the issue. He is currently huddled in the corner waiting for the bomb to go off, but so far so good.
What does all this have to do with the series that shamed me?� Reading kept me from breaking my meal plan, as tenuous as it was at some points.� Jorjana suggested that I create a list with 10 items I love to do that don’t involve food.� When I felt my hold on abstinence slipping, I could refer to my list instead of the refridgerator.� I know it sounds ridiculously simple, but this tip saved me. The first activity I wrote on my list was reading.
So, I read.� And I read, and read, and read.� I read the entire 4 book series, The Host, and two more fluffy books from my sister in law.� After a while, the strangest thing happened.� I noticed that in the evening, when I suffer most from false hunger, I started craving books.� I no longer wish to unwind from a long day with popcorn and T.V.� I mean, I don’t even think about eating, and I don’t suffer a twinge of hunger.� This is huge!� This goes beyond willpower or determination–it’s a completely changed behavior.
I think the key was keeping the reading materials light and tasty, like paper Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, if you will.� I’m not sure this experiment would have worked as well if I snuggled into the couch to read David Foster Wallace.� Over time, I think I can broaden my reading horizon into thinking woman’s territory once again, but for now I’m sticking to tasty morsels.
Here are a few of the other items on my list.� Think about what you would put on your list, and if you are up to it, share it in the comments or on your blog.� I’m always open to more ways to avoid breaking my meal plan. :)
- Reading
- Writing
- Redecorate the house, or plan out a new project for the house
- Walking the dogs
- Listening to music
- Email or call a friend
LOVE this post! I am so so glad you figured out the grain issue and that it’s going well for you with the re-introduction. As far as the book thing goes get exactly what you are saying! I started re-reading some chapter books I read as a kid that I enjoyed and it’s perfect. They are short and mindless and fun. I figure it also helps refresh my memory as my kids grow up and start reading them too.
Jules-I will soooooo be calling on you when I’m done gaining weight. LOL I am going to have so much to lose…and I have PCOS too. So maybe, just maybe, it can help me too???? But first I have to gain another 30 lbs. Mixed emotions on that one. I’m happy to be blessed with another baby (except when mine are driving me mad-then I doubt that I can handle any of it) but I’m so frustrated to be on this downward spiral in fitness.
Im’ so happy for you that you have found the trick!! How do you get to read so much with the boys though? I tried to read the other day…it did not go well. :/
Cara�s last blog post..Such Unpredictability!
Oh this is GREAT! You are GREAT! Your husband seems great too! Inspirational.
Cara–I read in bits during the day, during Nico’s nap time and always in the evening. The only problem is how late I’ve been staying up to read. That I need to get control of, because I am so tired the next day!
I think you’ve stumbled on my favorite weight-loss/healthy-eating trick: you have to replace whatever you’re doing with something BETTER. Who wants to diet on gross freezer food? You have to splurge on fresh fruits and veggies! Buy some good cheese! Stop eating Triscuits! Read great books! (or at least entertaining ones… not sure I’d give S.Meyer a Stamp of Greatness)
I’ve been finding that I eat when I read as much as I eat when I watch tv and I am NOT giving up reading. I’ve decided that I will eat an orange (peeling it while reading to take some time) and drink a glass of water. Both are filling. Both are good.
And, as for Cara’s “when do you read?” question, I’ve never understood how people can’t find time to read, even when my kids were little. But then again, my friend Judy always says that you make time for your addiction and I would love if my addiction was only reading and not food!
Jules, any idea why my blog entry isn’t coming up with my comments?
Jen–I have no idea why you post isn’t coming up. Very weird. Also, my SIL says she likes to eat when she reads, so you’re not alone there. An orange is good–takes time to eat and not a lot of calories. Artichokes are good for the same reason. :)
You are so awesome, Jules. I just thought I would tell you that.
CherryTreeLane�s last blog post..realization.
You are so smart.
.. you could do “The Girl with Curious Hair” in small bites : )
I’m not smart or awesome. Just determined and willing to take advice from people who have experienced successful weight loss! :)
Also, this year is my 10 year anniversary and 20 year high school reunion. Hotness is a necessity for 2010.
I am so trying this. My biggest issue is late-night snacking and I think it’s because either A) I don’t eat breakfast so I’m starving at night or B) I watch a lot of nightly TV and crave a snack in the worst way when the tube is on. I’ve switched to eating cereal or even fruit instead of junk food, but damn it’s still hard.
My list would require more thought, but at the top? Photography. Easily. Maybe I’ll be forced to break out my camera more often.
Staz�s last blog post..Choose your own adventure!
Great post Jules! I’ve cut out sugar completely for the last 3 weeks and it’s been amazing how “even” I feel. No major ups & downs. It’s really quite nice. Also, I used to eat dinner watching TV with a glass of wine (or 2). Now, my husband and I eat on our patio, without wine (for now) and just enjoy watching the fish & frogs (in our pond) and talking to each other. And, I’m not hungry after dinner. Not at all. Keep “feeding” us your tips and success stories please!!
Julie�s last blog post..And the winner is . . .
I’ve stumbled across your blog – not really sure how – and I’m LOVING it! I also have PCOS and am in the midst of trying to loose weight for my wedding in September. I’ve enlisted the help of a personal trainer but am truly STRUGGLING with my food. I pretty much have no self control. How did you get started!? (And any other pointers you’d like to share with me!!)
Staz–I never ate breakfast…or lunch, really. That was my problem! I didn’t really get hungry until 2pm, and then I grazed until dinner, ate dinner, and started grazing a couple of hours later. Full, balanced meals definitely help. It was an adjustment, but now I don’t think about it. I could never do healthy snacks at night. I mean, I could, but eventually I would start adding less healthy snacks (and more volume) until my effort was defeated. Snacking is just not good for me.
Julie–It’s amazing how much better you feel, isn’t it? I’m so proud of how well you are doing!
Molly–I started in February (I think) with Weight Watchers. That was terrible. Then a reader emailed me and we’ve become very close. I pretty much do what she tells me to. :) If you have PCOS, I really recommend you do the meal plan I have been doing the last couple of months. It’s the only thing that has ever worked for me.
One thing learned about PCOS through my dietitian–the effect it has on weight and metabolism can’t be underestimated. In terms of caloric intake alone, compared to someone of your exact height and weight w/o PCOS, you have to take 20-25% less calories just to maintain your weight.
did you like the host? i didn’t care for it.
Congratulations on your weight loss and sticking with it for 60 days! Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat?
Iheartfashion�s last blog post..And the winner is…
Yes, I am. It gets easier over time. I�m almost at the point where I don�t even think about it anymore. And, on the rare occasions where I go out to eat, I weigh and measure my food there, too.
Jules, how about coffee or caffeine in general? I’ve looked at the FA/12 step eating plan, but it required giving up caffeine for a period of time and that was too much to contemplate. And do you commit your food every day to someone?
Iheartfashion�s last blog post..And the winner is…