I’ll be spending it with my parents, The Mister, and these two rapscallions.� I hope you get to spend yours with people you love, too.
p.s. No, Nico does not have a case of baby herpes. What you see is the aftermath of two separate tousles with rogue, plastic dinosaurs. If you think he looks bad, you should see the Spinosaurus.
Happy Mother’s Day Jules. Your boys are beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Pat T�s last blog post..Happy Happy Joy Joy
Beautiful family Jules! You have an amazing camera too? What kind is it? Your pics always look great!
Brie�s last blog post..I’ll send an SOS to the World!
That is the most beautiful picture of your boys!! Happy Mother’s day!!
Hey! New reader. Thanks for your posts–they are very entertaining!! I just wanted to say that I think your boys are gorgeous. You do good work, mom! Happy Belated Mothers Day!
Soooooo handsome! Wowzer! Wowzer.
I just discovered your blog and have to say that I’m happy you still have your comments section open. I would be disappointed if I couldn’t readily thank you for the inspiration you’ve offered me this morning.
I look forward to visiting often.
stinkin’ adorable!
CherryTreeLane�s last blog post..MOVE! THAT! BUS!
Happy mother’s day!!
What a beautiful pictures, such handsome boys you have!
becoming-mom�s last blog post..Happy Mother�s Day