So the results are in: Nicholas is severely allergic to pinenuts. As in, “We need you to come into the office with your husband on Friday so we can show you how to use an epi-pen in case of an emergency.” As in, “No nuts of any kind, no food made in a facility that handles nuts, no touching, breathing, or smelling nuts.” As in, “You got lucky.”
Our children, apparently, are allergy-ridden genetic hiccups. Neither The Mister or I have food allergies, but Mikey and Nico do. I don’t know what to make of it. I think we will probably put having more children on hold for fear we will conceive the next bubble boy.
I LOVE our pediatric allergist. He is roughly The Mister’s age, aggressive, and has young children, too. I just got a great feeling from him from the second he walked in the room and started ordering tests. Our pediatrician didn’t want to run tests. He is generally opposed to invasive procedures of any kind unless absolutely necessary because first and foremost, he thinks of the child and any potential trauma and pain blood work would cause. I say, screw trauma and pain! That’s what the toy aisle at Target is for–tell me what could potentially kill my toddler the next time we eat at a restaurant. I promise to give him lots of kisses and franchised action figures the second it is all over.
In the end, Nico had to give 5(!!) vials of blood and that little bugger never cried–not even when they put in the needle! I didn’t even have to go to Target! Well, he did cry at one point, but that was mainly out of frustration. The blood was just not coming out and it was taking forever. He didn’t like his little chopstick arm held flat and straight, and a few times the phlebotomist had to wiggle the needle a bit. Finally they realized the tourniquet was too tight for his small arm, so another phlebotomist applied the pressure with her fingers. Things started flowing just fine after that, but Nicholas was done. He started crying, which made one of the phlebotomists and a couple of waiting patients cry. Seconds later they pulled out the needle and we were done. Nicholas wasn’t. He was in a full on scream, until I said loudly over his screaming, “Nico, would you like a lollipop?”
Wouldn’t you know it, he stopped mid-scream and with the smiliest tear soaked face you’ve ever seen squealed, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!”
The entire room burst into laughter and applause, and several patients came out of their cubicles to pat Nicholas on the head. Meanwhile, I sat there preening like a cat over the utter fabulousness my womb can deliver.
On Sunday The Mister cleaned out our cabinets of anything nut related while I spent two hours at the supermarket navigating the food labels. So many things have “spices” listed as an ingredient. I know it’s for proprietary reasons, but I am now in the position where I want to know exactly what they mean by “spices.” You wouldn’t think it would be anything harmful (he can have nutmeg, as it is not a tree nut) but you’d be surprised. I signed up for the FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) recall emails, and every day there is a recall for an item with an undisclosed allergen. Ridiculous things you would never suspect like this:
April 28, 2009McCormick & Company Inc. is recalling �Lawry�s Fajitas Spices &
Seasonings� due to undeclared milk.The product was distributed in grocery stores nationwide.
The 1.27-oz. pouches are marked with a �best if used by� date of
OCT0110PX62 and UPC 2150022500.Consumers with questions or requesting a full refund or replacement may
call (800) 952-9797.
See what I mean? You can become paranoid if you don’t keep yourself in check. I’ve done the research, and it looks like 9% of children with tree nut allergies out grow them. Those aren’t great odds, but I’ll take them. I’ve decided Nicholas will be in that 9%. I haven’t figured out just how, but he will.
Great pictures, beautiful boy and nice, bright background. Good job, Mom!
Also, kudos to you for follow-thru.
Good for you in finding out and I would be just as paranoid. You are a great mom.
CherryTreeLane�s last blog, text or call?
Don’t you just love it when a doctor takes things seriously? I think the doctor’s office is one of the places to err on the side of caution and when a doctor does that, they deserve a lollipop, too!
Great photos of a most beautiful child!
Welcome to the wonderful world of allergy-shopping. It’s a frustrating start. I find natural/organic markets to be a bit safer, because a lot of them either leave out the common allergens or at least very clearly label any and all ingredients.
Nina�s last blog post..West Elm love.
Oh, I am so sorry. That truly sucks the big nut. But he is a beautiful child! :)
Susannah�s last blog post..(A Completely Different Kind of) Help
Tree nut allergies here too. :(
They stink.
Kendra�s last blog post..Happy Easter!
Nico is so adorable :) I’m sorry to hear about the allergy – my husband is allergy prone so I’m a bit worried that my little Mikey might be as well.
TheRightWife�s last blog post..God?
Ugh, Jules so sorry for the crappy diagnosis. As a fellow allergy sufferer – but more nuisance not concerning, allergies suck. But my experience with allergists has been that they are indeed mostly awesome. Here’s to hoping Nico grows out of them, it’s so scary to have to watch and read labels…particularly when they don’t always list everything. I worked in Public Relations for a major supermarket here in Chicago and it’s amazing how much is inadvertently left off labels both by manufacturers and more so, by items made/baked in-store.
Be extra dilligent with items made in store – labels sometimes are not all inclusive. Your boys are beautiful!
Wow. I cannot imagine trying to navigate food labels with such a severe nut allergy. (He’ll never know the magic of pesto! Oh no!) It’s hard enough as a vegetarian not to get the vegetable soup that is made with “beef broth.” Food labels are blatantly misleading at times. I’m sure you’re doing a wonderful job though and he is very lucky to have such caring parents. Plus, he’s super cute!
Jules, I am so impressed that you followed your mom instinct and got a 2nd opinion. You rock! No allergies in our family but my daughter does have a friend with a severe nut allergy. Things to consider for the future….they keep an Epy pen at school in the office in case of emergency. An Epy pen comes with her on ALL play dates…they keep it in a RED pencil box. (they also have Benadryl in their for the first sign of problems). And, an Epy pen is also taken on all school field trips. Our private school doesn’t have buses so the parent volunteer driving her in their car carries it.
For birthday parties, she always brings her own treat so she doesn’t feel left out when the cake is served. Same goes for any other sort of party. People really do want to honor other kids allergies, but the same people can make mistakes so I think it is always better to be on the safe side with these things. Case in point…a mom made sugar cookies but forgot that she used almond extract instead of vanilla…this was at a class party for our friends older child. Little Emma grabbed a cookie and big problems ensued.
Hope this helps. Again, way to be Nico’s ultimate advocate. Pat yourself on the back this Mother’s Day.
Hi Jules, de-lurking to recommend “Sunbutter” if you haven’t already found it. It’s a great peanut/tree nut free substitute for peanut butter. They even test each batch to ensure that there is no nut contamination. (see the website for more info
I developed a nut allergy when I was in college, and this stuff is GREAT! I think I like it even better than the nut versions …. but that may be the allergy talking.
Jules, I’m sorry…that stinks. Food allergies are such a pain (at best). One more reason you MUST stay home with him, right? ;)
Jules, good for you for insisting on tests. Our pediatrician is very low-key too (which is good in some cases), but sometimes a mom knows best. And, BTW, those are the most adorable photos!!
Julie�s last blog post..L’Atelier des Bijoux
Amy–thanks for all the tips! The doctor did say to do all those things, and I have experience with nut allergies because one little girl at Mikey’s school is severely allergic to peanuts. More so than Nicholas is to tree nuts! She can’t even inhale peanuts without reacting.
Shelton–thanks for the SunButter recommendation! I bought some of a different brand last week, but this is much better stuff if they routinely test batches for cross contaminates! Funny you should mention “the allergy talking.” I was speaking with another friend who has a tree nut allergy, and she says she doesn’t miss one thing that she is allergic to. In her words, “What’s so great about Pecan Pie? It can kill me, and I don’t have a taste for deadly things.”
Oh gracious!! I’m so sorry he had to go through all that, but great job standing up to the doctor – we DO know best usually. Having just gone through my first severe allergic reaction this weekend (to insulin… which I didn’t know I was allergic to!) my heart goes out to everybody who has to worry about those all the time. You all amaze me! :)
Thank goodness you got the 2nd opinion! Poor lil’ Nico, I think you can put that ‘intention’ out there for him to be in the 9%. I am glad you figured this out, who needs nuts anyway? :)
Miss B.�s last blog post..THE BRIGHT SIDE PROJECT 3|VERS
Ick- I am so sorry! I grew up free of food allergies- but I have recently found that I have food sensitivities. To you guessed it- tree nuts (and I am still discerning the other- perhaps apples). I can’t believe how many years I put up with painful swelling of my feet and knees from eating those stupid nuts. But yeah. I am sorry about the kiddos. I have read all about allergies researching my sensitivity. I am lucky I will never need an Epi-Pen- that is so scary!
Taryn�s last blog post..Okay- who done it?!
Aw, sorry you have to go through that. Our boy is allergic to four different kinds of nuts (which I think brings the outgrowing odds down to something like, 0%!). He’s also allergic to wheat, and borderline for eggs and throws up with dairy (I even have my doubts about apple and beef), just so you don’t feel too bad. At least people are somewhat aware of nut allergies, so they are not all that hard to avoid. The scary thing with nut allergies is of course that they can be severe. We’re heading to the allergist next week for a blood draw. I don’t expect my baby to be anywhere near as brave as yours, but I’ll be bringing a juice box now and a lollipop if I can hunt one down! (PS – Our doctor refused to refer him for testing for a long time too until we demanded it! Good for you.)
Lynn�s last blog post..Quick review (Berenstain Bears’ New Baby)
Oh that sweet little thing and his precious “chopstick arm” having to go through such misery. But isn’t it amazing how much they can endure? He sounds very brave. And what a good mommy you are!!!
I hope he outgrows this, I bet he will. Thanks for update and for other helpful information.
seleta�s last blog little secret
Hi there – I happened across this entry while Googling for a substitute for pine nuts for a preschool potluck (no nuts allowed). I just had to say that your son looks and sounds (from the story) extra super cute. And that’s coming from the mother of what I consider the cutest kid available.
Hi Jules
I would love to chat with you more one day about what I have learned about allergies thru my alkaline journey- I don’t have a quick fix but a slow natural fix but I am understanding why the body has these kinds of reactions and why certain things like nuts, corn, shellfish etc. are common allergens- It’s not at all what you would hear a typical doctor talk about- I will do a post some time on it as well. I had a fish allergy for 20 years that disappeared once I became alkaline and am I ever glad cuz that’s what I eat a lot of for all the great omegas! My sister has a similar story with avocados too! If you are interested let me know.