I have a theory that a respectable number of people who read my blog work in the legal profession, either as attorneys, paralegals, legal secretaries, or similar. Am I correct? If so, what do you do and how do you like your job? If you don’t feel comfortable commenting, please feel free to email me.
I’ve been working around the clock on my practice. My main focus has been finding mcles hours (mandatory continuing legal education), of which I need 25. The reason I haven’t committed to any courses already is because I’m still deciding what to take. I’ve talked to my friends, and everyone has their own opinion.
OPINION 1: Take courses in the area of law in which you hope to practice.
This means I have to decide on a specific area. Simple enough, you would think, but it hasn’t been easy. I initially considered a practice in Intellectual Property law (trademarks, copyrights, licensing, etc.). But, because I’ve been away from the law for a while, I would prefer to work with a mentor. No one I know practices this type of law, so this idea, for now, is on hold.
For obvious reasons, I’ve also been considering Bankruptcy law. {Hello, economy!} This, by the way, was one of the hardest classes I have ever taken in my life. It was impossibly theoretical and abstract, at least as taught by my professor. Canned briefs might have helped me (they’re like cliff notes) but I was stubborn and refused to buy any. I hear the practice is easier than the study, and I do have a friend who will partner up with me in this area and she is actively looking for a mentor for the more difficult cases.
In an ideal, dream world I would be an independent research attorney. Basically, it’s a court position, but in a private practice setting you research various points of law and, if needed, draft the necessary motions, petitions, briefs, etc. I love research. I mean, love it. For me, finding the answer to a question (or issue) is the same rush of adrenalin other people get when shopping or designing or jumping out of an airplane. My friends have been great over the years, and when an issue arises that they don’t feel like tackling, they send it over to me. This, however, is how most firms use paralegals. No one wants to pay an attorney (even at much lower rates) when they can send it to a paralegal, or so I’ve been told.
OPTION 2: Take whatever is cheapest and be done with it.
I have some friends who want me to take a 25 hours mcle bundle for $199 and call it a day. But what on earth do I want with classes on criminal and real estate law? Nothing, that’s what.
Here I sit, counting points and mcle hours trying to determine my future. No pressure. No pressure at all.
Jules, you know I love ya and I’m with ya…until you start talking law stuff. Then I feel undereducated and…ummm, stupid. So, I can’t help you with opinions and such but I can offer prayers that you will make the right choice for yourself and your family. How that?? :) I hope it’s worth something. You know, when all else fails: PRAY! ;)
The only thing I can offer you is my opinion about what I liked & disliked when I was a paralegal.
Liked: personal injury/medical negligence (the medicine part of it was fascinating – not good for steady income though), probate (lots of black & white – fairly easy)
Disliked: domestic relations (’nuff said), criminal
Good luck in whatever you choose!
Julie�s last blog post..L’Atelier des Bijoux
I am married to the law. Well, to a lawyer. He is an appellate lawyer and loves it. He loves research and writing, and he’s good at it. Once upon a time he was more of a generalist and wasn’t happy. He was doing about 25% appellate work, and wanted to increase that to 100% but was afraid that there wouldn’t be enough work to sustain him. One Christmas we talked about it, and he decided to start the new year by declaring himself an appellate lawyer and to stop taking the other work. Well, the universe heard him, and he has been a busy appellate lawyer for several years now.
Kathi D�s last blog post..Due to unfortunate circumstances . . .
So…does this mean you are back to the law profession again? I can give you tons of mcle ideas. When is your deadline? next year? If I can help, I am here for ya!