Every time I think I have my favorite moment of the week pegged, something better happens. Not a bad thing, eh?
Nico is really starting to interact with us now. I love it. This week he started calling Mikey by name, or at least as close to his name as he could get with his little rosebud mouth. “KeyKey! KeyKey! KEYKEY!” I hate to be all “mom blog” on you, but it is just the sweetest thing.
And then! Today! Oh my goodness the cuteness just went positively overboard! For the first time ever, Nico offered Mikey a hug. Mikey “hugs” [choke holds] Nico all the time. Nico always pushes him away. But today he went up to KeyKey with open arms and then snuggled into Mikey’s chest like a little koala bear, smiled, and closed his eyes while he patted Mikey’s back! GAH! Can you stand it? Is that not the cutest flipping thing ever? To see two little dudes [3′ tall and 2’6″ tall] loving it up made me positively burst with happiness [and laughter].
Mikey was beside himself. He’s a hugger so this was especially exciting for him (we had issues during school where he had to be told he can’t hug everyone, and he must ask first).
So there they are, rocking back and forth in a big hug and Mikey looks at me over Nico’s head with a huge smile on his face and says,
“Mama, look! We’re married.”
It’s all so damn sweet my teeth hurt.
I want to be a fly on the wall at your house so I can take all of this in. Those are really great moments.
The chaos that ensues having young kids close in age, COMPLETELY pays off as they get older. I love it when the kids play “nice” :)
PS you are an award winner on my blog :)
How sweet!
When our youngest started calling his brother (Xander) by name, it came out sounded like Knee-Knee. It was so cute to hear him yelling, “come on, Knee-Knee, come on!” when he wanted to go play. We even called him that for a while, to much eye rolling on his part, LOL (which made it all the more fun).
Great blog topic! We can all identify. Those two will be best buds for the rest of their life. Having two close in age is hard on mom at times, but always has its rewards for all. It’ll just continue to get better.
My youngest two are only 15 months apart. It has been so amazing to watch them “play house” and interact more and more as they get older [and they’re only 2 and 3 years old!].
Awww….these moments are so wonderful. I got teary just reading it. Sigh…..gotta love ’em.