In case you’ve been reading every other post around here, Mikey’s been sick every other week since October. The colds have been getting progressively worse, unfortunately. They seem to move quickly into his chest, and he spends the better part of a week wheezing. At his last appointment, the pediatrician had Mikey get some bloodwork to see if he was allergic to something in his environment. I got the results late yesterday. Sure enough, Mikey is allergic to cats, dogs, eggs, and dust mites. I knew about the cats already; we can’t be in my mother-in-law’s house more than a couple of hours before Mikey gets what appears to be the worst cold of the century. This last time was really bad. Before we could make it home, his left eyed had swollen shut and he was wheezing terribly. All this after my mother-in-law vacuumed the house top-to-bottom and without Mikey ever seeing the cat. Not good.
You know what else isn’t good? The doctor encouraged us to get rid of these two:
The egg thing sucks, too. After I found out last night about the allergy, I immediately made a mad dash to the store and bought ingredients to make vegan cupcakes for school the next morning. I wanted Mikey to have a cupcake like all the other kids in his class Easter party. I finished them at 10:00pm (plenty early!) but screwed up on the recipe. I had a choice between adding more vanilla or adding almond extract, and without thinking I went for the almond extract. Almond extract is an acquired taste–and Mikey hasn’t acquired it, yet. There he was, looking very sad as his friends inhaled chocolate cupcakes he didn’t for the life of him understand why he couldn’t eat.
It broke my heart. I know it’s just a cupcake and my first time baking without eggs, blah, blah, blah… but I’m still sad I couldn’t make him a great tasting cupcake. Rest assured! By the time his birthday comes in June, I will have figured out a recipe for the best damn egg free cupcakes the world has ever tasted. I don’t care if it kills me–I’m showing up to school on his birthday with treats that will leave the kids and teachers begging for more.
So why is all this my favorite moment? Well, because his bloodtest came back and shows he has an allergy to cats and dogs and eggs and dustmites and not Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Let’s put things into perspective: it could be worse. So, the kid can’t have eggs. I’ll figure out how to cook and bake without them. The dogs? I won’t stop until I have a solution for that, either. I don’t care about cats. We don’t own any, and I’m sure my mother-in-law won’t mind visiting us instead of the other way around. Dust mites? Now I have motivation to actually clean my house when I’m not under the threat of people coming over. Maybe more than I would like, but a clean house never killed anyone. It may have driven people to drink too much, but there’s treatment for that, too. And, let’s not forget the really great thing about all this! Maybe, just maybe, we’ll go a week around this place without someone being sick. Wouldn’t that be something?
If anyone has experience with these types of allergies and would like to share links or tips, please do so in the comments. I have a feeling I’ll be a googling fool this weekend!
Glad you were able to find the positive in a not so positive time. I’m sorry you are dealing with this added stress and am confident that you will figure out what’s best for Mikey. Can’t wait to see some of these egg-less recipes you’ll come up with :)
Totally OT but the word verification for this one is REALLY long and squished and for someone with astigmatism it’s really hard to get it right. It’ll take a few tries I’m sure :) Like I said, totally OT
I am sorry you have been going through so wonder why you have been MIA. I am also confident in your cooking abilities to whip up fabulous egg free delights for Mikey. I have lots of free time these days so I will look for some yummy recipes and forward them to you. Also if it is any consolation…I have all the allergies except the eggs as Mikey and they have gotten better with age. You might want one of those air purifiers from Brookstone or Sharper Image. Also they make special covers for pillows and mattresses for dust mites. My good friend’s daughter had an egg allergy and outgrew it. Ok I have rambled on enough ;) I am thinking of you!
Last year at the age of 30 I finally had allergy testing and found out I was allergic to everything except dogs and cock roaches and I have astham also. I however don’t have any food allergies. Has your doctor considered allergy shots for him? I’m not going to take them because it is a large commitment and well I have commitment issues, but there is supposed to be a huge succes rate for young children. I’m on several inhalers, nose sprays and pills now but it’s amazing how much better I breath. Hopefully now that they know about this they can get him on some medications and get him all better. Herbal medicine in conjuction can never hurt in my book. I feel for him and for you. You’re such a good mommy. He’s lucky to have a mom like you. I’ll be thinking of you guys.
If anyone could find a way to make food appealing for him its YOU. Are you going to keep the dogs? could he possibly grow out of the pet allergy later on? Blake had terrible allergies to the outdoors and I finally found something at age 7 where he could be around people without coughing constantly
No suggestions here but my oldest has the same allergies as me (dust, mold, tree pollen, grass pollen). She is also allergic to cats. I’m taking the youngest to see the allergy doctor this year. I’m sure she is too since she seems to sneeze and have issues the same time as we do. We are on Singluar, Flonase and over the counter medications.
Testing was so different! I got test in Canada and when I got the oldest tested she ended up getting bumps and injections. Mine was pretty painless. Needless to say I’m not going through testing with the youngest. I’ll just assume she is allergic to the same things. But I do need the prescriptions though.
Tamara– What did you find that finally helped your son?
Planet– Mikey didn’t get scratches or injections, but I did 15+ years ago. His was bloodwork! Two big vials, but much better than days of itchiness, that’s for sure. It’s called a RAST test, or at least a version of it. The skin test is more accurate, I think, but for little kids I assume they do this because it’s easier on them. :(
Hey Jules,
I’m not sure if you’ve stumbled across this yet but a quick and easy substitute for an egg in baking is 1/4 cup of apple sauce. I tried it the other night when i was making brownies and realized I didnt have any eggs. Everything turned out fine. The brownies tasted a bit different but I think because the applesauce was sweetened.
I hadn’t heard that, Lili! Thanks for the tip. I’ve heard you can replace an egg with 1TB Apple Cider Vinegar for every egg needed. I also just found this fun little list by the makers of the cookbook I tried:
Claritin redi tabs…they dissolve instantly. chloe will get one here and there if needed..also I run the cold air humidifer almost every night in his room…the claritin redi tabs I get at costco it like 40 tabs for 24 bucks best money I EVER SPENT
Ener-G egg replacer is the best for baking…you can find it at Whole Foods and the like. I used to make cookies and cakes with it when I was eating vegan and could never tell a difference. Personally, I found that applesauce made cookies and cupcakes taste very “vegan” and “healthy.”