You know what’s great about crappy weeks? It makes it so easy to ferret out your favorite moment. For example, I knew my favorite moment this week certainly wasn’t
- Forgetting my Mikey’s Valentine’s.
- Taking Nicholas to a pediatric urology appointment and getting questionable, if not downright concerning, news. (More on that later.)
- Getting up last night at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:00, 4:15, and 4:30 to deal with dogs, children, and my own cough attack after going to bed at 11:30.
- Stepping in dog poop during my 4:30 wake up call above and washing the floors for half and hour.
- Checking my email and finding out that for some reason none of the pictures were uploading to the blog.
- Letting Mikey carry into Target his really expensive sippy cup and arriving home later only to discover he left it somewhere inside the store.
No, there were a bunch of least favorite moments this week, which surprised me because Nicholas’ birthday party went so well I thought for sure the good mojo would carry us through the week. Didn’t happen.
I’ll tell you what did happen. About 1:00pm today I was chatting with my friend Chrissy and lamenting the loss of the stupid sippy cup. It occurred to me that I brought it all on myself with my negative attitude all week. I decided that I was going to think positive thoughts about the cup, and imagined another mom finding the cup at Target and returning it to Lost & Found. Come Hell or high water, in my mind that sippy cup was coming home tonight. Chrissy agreed that was an excellent idea and said she would join me in the positive thought experiment. I called all throughout the day, but no one turned it in. The second The Mister got home I jumped in the car and headed to Target. I walked right up to Customer Service and the pimply faced 15 year old who is usually a bit of a punk was actually very kind and looked through all the bins. Nothing. I retraced my steps through Target, all the while imaging picking up the sippy cup and taking it home. And there, in a candy rack about 1.5 feet off the ground, tucked amongst the the fluorescent greens, blues, and yellows of Easter candy I saw it:
Ahhhh. Thanks, Chrissy! I should use this positive imagery more often. Maybe it will get me a tight ass and a million dollars.
YAY – I’m glad you found the super cute/expensive cup. Sorry I didnt call you back, work got ugly.
YAY YAY YAY !!!!! BTW, I was thinking good thoughts for the cup also!
I knew it!! I knew it would be your favorite moment of the week! Of course sitting up tonight I have had hours to think about it ;) Hope your good mojo comes back for the weekend!
Well if you’re going to use it to get a tight ass and a million dollars I’m going to use it to lose 100 pounds and win the lottery.
Cute cup, I am glad you found it! I once lost my cell phone on a ride (@ Universal Studios) and was convinced that the next rider would just take it. I was SHOCKED that when I went to the Lost & Found, someone had found it and returned it. It turned out to be a good day.
Kara–well then I guess I should thank you, too! :)
Kristen–I don’t doubt you knew what my favorite moment was. You listened to me bitch all week about the other ones. ;)
Your hilarious, Mainehappymama. Let me know if it works–I’ll have to set my sights higher!
Sugarlens–yep, it ended up being a good day for me, too. :)