It’s just you and me right now. I decided to start a blog. Before you ask (because I know you will even though I’ve already explained it to you a million times) a blog is short for �weblog,� which is essentially a website where one or more people post brief articles on their topic of choice.
No, I haven�t decided what I will write about.
No, I don�t get paid.
You�ll just have to trust me.
Back to my blog. I�ll explain the title later, but for now I just want you to know that you can actually subscribe to my feed! Please don�t ask me to explain a feed. All you need to remember is that you can subscribe to “it” and receive notices each time I post something new. The easiest way to do this is by creating an account at a site like Bloglines. Once you get to the Bloglines homepage, click on �Sign Up� and�
Sigh. Whom am I kidding? I�ll be over later tonight to set everything up for you, ok?
your daughter.
p.s. If you could babysit the boys for my hair appointment on the 14th, that would be great.
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