I found Nicholas’s baby pictures! You know, the pictures I thought I lost in May?
Our neighbors have a son around our boys’ age who was diagnosed with type I diabetes at 2.5 years old. Since then, his parents have held a huge charity auction to raise funds for national juvenile diabetes foundations. While clearing out the garage of almost a year’s worth of William Morris Projects (we were looking for items to donate), I found the pictures in a box of old frames. I would have sworn on a stack of bibles that I checked the garage seven ways from Sunday last Spring. I guess the 8th time is the charm!
It’s a shame I didn’t write this post immediately after finding the pictures. It would have been a nice balance to the post I wrote in May, only a couple of hours after realizing I lost the same pictures. Wow, was I upset.
So, this week’s project was super easy. Which is good, because over the weekend I did a lot of this. I organized Nico’s pictures the same way I did Mikey’s, and he had a great time looking at his pictures.
Pictures. Pictures, pictures, pictures! I don’t know how many posts I written about losing, finding, organizing, and displaying pictures, but I’m still not done. I need to finish the family wall in the hallway and print Mikey’s candid 4×6 pictures. At least now I’m somewhat looking forward to it–now that I actually can find the pictures.
- Please link to a specific post, not a general blog address.
- Your post must relate to your efforts to create an intentional home. I have a delete button, and I�m not afraid to use it.
- No links to giveaways, please.
- Let�s use this weekly link up as an opportunity to gather inspiration and motivation. Click links. Discover new people. Say hi and good job. I know I will.
oh, that’s fantastic! I am so glad they turned up!
Yay! Happy to read that you found them. My grandmother always said that the best way to find something is to stop looking. It always works for me.
I figured I would find them eventually, but I was still surprised! I could have sworn I checked that garage inside and out.
Oh my goodness – his face is precious looking at his pictures! So glad you found them. I found a bunch of baby book “stuff” that I was looking for . . . not that I’ve finished the baby books or anything.
Neither one of my boys have baby books, and they never will. I’ve accepted it. I’m just not a scrapbooker.
what a relief! he looks so happy to peruse them. I have lots of pictures to figure out, too, and I also have a hall I want to fill with a gallery of photos. But i have to paint the walls first. I really need to join your project. : )
I went a couple of years (at least!) without any pictures on the wall while I went back and forth on paint. It drove my husband BONKERS! Hah! :)
That’s so great that they turned up! Love those photos of him looking at them!
Our photo project in the new apartment has not even remotely begun. Thankfully winter is coming soon, which will give us an excuse to stay inside and do stuff :)
Hey! Have you always had a profile picture? I don’t think so?
Yet another reason why CA is missing out by not having seasons. I could use the excuse to get more work done!
Well, after a long absence, I actually linked up this week – YAY! I wasn’t sure if it fit the criteria, but in the end, I believe it does. It was a lesson that hit home this week – it might not be beautiful, but it can still be useful. I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated this project…and guess what?! I have a new, new home office. Again. Still in the process of cleaning it up, but I’m hoping to have something to share in a week or two. What was the final decision on the Thursday link-ups during October?
Congrats on finding the pictures – I love it when that happens (even though I’m frustrated by the, “didn’t I look here already?!?!” feelings). :)
Yay! I can’t wait to check out what you did. I’m going back and forth about what to do with my office, too. I have a desk in the family room and the office in the back. I’m wondering if I should just move everything out there. Bah. No clue.
As for October, yes, we’ll keep things the same and do link-ups on Thursdays. If you do more than one project in one week, link up more than one post. Should be awesome. :)
I love these pictures! He looks so expressive and fun.
Hooray for finding lost pictures! Speaking of which, the photos posted here are ridiculously cute. They warm my heart, and make me smile.
Eureka! I bet that felt great!
So happy for you. I know I’ve got all kinds of “photos” in my head, but there’s something about the ones on paper (or screen) that’s got them beat. Love these images of your son–he’s so expressive!
Thanks everyone for the compliments on the pictures! Nico is VERY expressive. He has a face for everything. Honestly, watching him run is the funniest thing. We try not to laugh, but we can’t help it! He does this thing with his lips and eyebrows…I’m chuckling just thinking about it. And he runs straight up and down! It’s the most ungraceful thing you have ever seen. My husband says he runs like this one baseball player from the 80s, but of course the name escapes me.
I’m so glad you found them!!! my heart broke for you when you lost them.
I can imagine your elation at finding these pics — I would feel the same way if I were to magically recover our pics from Hawaii 2008 (eaten alive by the computer).
Yay!!!! Thank goodness.
I am trying to convince my mother, the consummate scrapbooker, to come out here and help me organize the last ten years of pictures that I have tossed in a box and dumped into Sugarsync. Its such an overwhelming project. Blarg.
I love accidentally finding a lost item! This year it was missing social security cards for me. Every year when our insurance comes up for renewal we need them, and I have a panic attack each time and swear I will organize our important papers. I have looked everywhere, what feels like a hundred times. Randomly, they were in a box of papers, in a wagon, in the garage. What? I know. Crazy. It felt good though, and those pale in comparison to lost baby pictures. I am so glad you found them!
SO HAPPY for you that you found those pictures!! I know how horrible I would have felt about it (I hate losing things in general, such an unsettling feeling…and if it was baby pictures…don’t get me started) so I can only imagine how you’ve been feeling. yay Jules!!
p.s. your kids are so adorable!
p.p.s I just started reading Gretchen Rubin’s new book, “Happier at Home”. I’m not that far into it, but in the beginning she talks a bit about William Morris, and the first chapter is about “stuff”, so naturally I thought of you! Don’t know if you’ve read it yet, but you should check it out!
So glad you found those pictures and love the photos of Nico looking at them.
SO HAPPY for you. Yay! What a relief. And that kid…that face! What a sweetheart.
Your original photos post really resonated with me this time around. I love the idea of the albums for the 8x10s and all those random school pics that are shoved in my linen closet. I have a LOT of photo projects that I want & need to tackle by the end of the year, but I’m so overwhelmed. Funny how I can sit forever in this chair clicking on Pinterest and other sites, but can’t stand to sit here and deal with my own digital photos. Ugh.
He is so flipping cute.
Glad you found the photos. :)
Seeing these pictures and reading this post really put a smile on my face. I’m glad that you’ve found the photos.
Aw, smiling children – he looks so sweet and truly happy ^_^ !