I couldn’t decide at first what is was that bothered me most about the three girls who passed me on my way back to my dorm. They were barefoot and lithe as they pranced across the asphalt, their callused, dark feet the hooves of Training Level dressage horses.� The bells along the hems of their gypsy skirts tinkled with each step and reached a crescendo when they bumped into each other, laughing.� Then there was the smell.� The musky scent of flesh and pot layered thick with patchouli made the air around them heavier, warmer.� The hooves, the bells, the smell of cedar and dank earth all came together in a cacophony of contempt, but it didn’t take long to ferret out the largest pebble in my shoe.� It was definitely the patchouli.
Fifteen years later and the smell of patchouli still reminds me of college and wannabe hippies with trust funds and J. Crew jeans tattered and torn just so.� It’s a smell I never become accustomed to, one that never fades into the background.� So, really, I have no idea why I bought the Kiss My Face deodorant in Peaceful Patchouli.� That’s a lie.� It was on sale and I thought it would grow on me.
I saved a dollar, give or take.
Two weeks later, the fog of scent-induced nausea was the only thing thicker than the stench of rotten dirt I smelled every time I moved my arms more than 10 degrees in any direction.� I saved a dollar only to lose my stomach every morning I swiped that malodorous stick under my arms.� I thought about the homemade deodorant Amy Karol of Angry Chicken scented with essential oils that didn’t make her stomach turn and promised myself to make some once I finished with the devil’s deodorant.
I decided to throw in the towel when I started using an old stick of Old Spice I found underneath the sink.� I was too impatient to buy everything online so I went to my local health food store and paid triple the price, walking away with almost $20 in ingredients and supplies.� I bought a deodorant I don’t like to save a dollar and spent $18 to replace it.� Just to be clear, lawyers are lawyers because they aren’t good at math.
I know at least 300 of you are wondering why I didn’t just go and buy some powder-fresh Lady Mitchum.� Here is where I divulge a little known facet of my personality.� I love to make things from scratch, and the more obscure and random the better.� I get immense satisfaction from making things like deodorant and cleaning supplies, especially when I am too lazy to go to the store.� They are mad-cap science experiments that prove useful, and I love it.
As for the deodorant?� Second to none.� (I’ve made many before, and this one is definitely the best.)� This isn’t an anti-perspirant so you won’t stop sweating, but I still carry the nice smell of the pea-sized amount I applied over 12 hours ago.� My only goof was in the amount of Rose Absolute essential oil I added (I should have added more).� I’ll remember that next time I need to make another batch, which should be in the year 2015 judging by how little I need to apply.
Now that I am smelling fresh like a rose garden (as opposed to the manure that fertilizes it), I think I will go try a new cracker recipe I just found.
I am not even kidding.
please please tell me how this turns out.
i tried this.
i fell in love with angry chicken’s posts and even considered washing my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
as for the deodorant…
i ended up with bright red blisters/rash.
le sigh.
I’m only on day three, so I will definitely update. If I don’t, remind me!
The bright red blisters and rash might be the baking soda, which I hear can do that. You might want to try the recipe again, but with arrowroot or cornstarch. I forgot about that fact before I made this deodorant or I would have made the substitution. I used to use Lindsay’s deodorant recipe with great success. In fact, my husband love, love, loved it. Unfortunately, we had to stop using it after Nico’s nut allergy diagnosis since the main ingredient in coconut oil.
I may have to try this once I run out of my Asian Pear-scented favorite. With all this talk about raw food, traditional food & homemade deodorant, I think you may have a touch of the 21st century hippie in you – just not the patchouli flavored variety. I too detest patchouli, and continue to wonder why someone would wear it. Do they lack scent receptors? Hate those around them? Enjoy smelling like my mossy backyard?
PS – in a pinch, I’ve been known to swipe rubbing alcohol under my arms. It really works as a deodorant!
Love it!!! I’ve been using a natural solid deodorant from LUSH for a few months now, and it’s pretty good except it’s got a little bit of that patchouli thing going on — and you hit the nail right on the head as to why I hate that smell! :) I may just have to make my own. I too have an obsession with making things from scratch — it started with normal things like bread and pasta and then cheese, and now has devolved into things like fortune cookies. Deodorant is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve been wanting to make this one for awhile now but never have gotten around to it! I should give ti a try.
That’s been on my agenda for the last couple of weeks. I’ve started washing my face with castor oil & evoo and doing the baking soda/ apple cider vinegar treatment to my hair. You’ve inspired me to try this out. BTW, what is your favorite homemade laundry concoction? I’m into Dawn/ lestoil/ water combo…really gets the grease out!
That, my friend, is awesome. I also have a certain aversion to patchouli. I ordered what I thought to be a new Christmas scent for my wax burner last year. Threw it in and suddenly the air was thick with the scent of patchouli – gagged everytime I walked into the room. So I emailed my consultant (who thankfully also happens to be my cousin, therefore she has to love me no matter what) and suggested the name be changed from “Happy Holidays” to “Hippy Holidays” … she was not so very amused. Apparently it was her favorite. Whoopsie, my bad …
Ms. Amy–I am definitely a granola/hippie girl in some respects, but I don’t usually refer to myself as such because I don’t embody the free spirit/down with THE MAN attitude you needed to be one in college (walking barefoot in public, not bathing, dreadlocks, womens studies major, little trinkets lost in your hair, smoking copious amounts of herb, … etc.) I guess I’m not as granola as I am Kashi: a little bit crunchy, a little bit mainstream.
Laura–I do the bread and pasta regularly, and I am taking a traditional foods/whole foods ecourse where I will learn to make cheese. I’m really excited about making the kefir water (I know, I’m a dork), which is like a homemade soda without the yucky chemicals and threat of tooth decay.
Jennifer–let me know how the ACV rinsing goes. Amy swears by it, but I don’t know…
Amy–I can always count on you for a chuckle in the comments. :) “Hippy Holidays.” Hilarious. I would have gagged, too!
There are some people who love the smell of patchouli. Some people actually smell “okay” wearing patchouli as it reacts better with their skin chemistry, I suppose. Not me. Disgusting, vile smell.
this sounds fab but i will live vicariously! :)
Can I just say..that the starting this story off with a reference to dressage made my day? Possibly my week?!
I’m currently having deodorant wars up in here. I hate everything and nothing works. I refuse to put chemicals in my pits; I’m convinced I will get cancer. (But I think that about everything.)
I’m totally making this and I will use the cornstarch. I’ll let you know how it goes.
One quick note–another reason people may be reacting to the baking soda is because regular baking soda from the store contains aluminum, the exact ingredient we are trying to avoid with natural deodorants. I use Bob’s Red Mill baking soda, which is aluminum free.
Woo hoo!!! Congrats! This is awesome and the photo and text aren’t too shabby either. You make this here scientist proud. Next time email me and I will forward you some push sticks I have, easier than the pot.
That’s funny–I was just thinking I would use push sticks next time!
I so wish that I could use just deoderant! Do you know of any good, natural ways to fight of perspiration? I have yet to find any that really work. :( Also, have you ever heard of the deoderant rock? Some of my friends swear by that thing! :)
This might be a dumb question but here goes: how do you put it on? Do you just get a tiny glob with your finger and smear it?
You’ll probably think I’m gross, but I stopped wearing deodorant and antiperspirant completely last year. I don’t miss it at all! I stopped after reading all sorts of horror stories about the antipersp. after having a very itchy right under arm pit (sorry, too much info, I know, I know…). Actually, I used Tom’s for a while but realized that I didn’t really need that either. I think that so often we start using something and then simply THINK that we will forever need it. Once I allowed my body to do its natural thing, I stopped needing anything – including perfume, though I still give myself a few squirts on special days when I want to feel pretty. My husband and children would certainly tell me if I were smelly, but my husband still cuddles up to me every night and swears I smell sweet – not sweaty! Which, of course, I am happy to know. :)
Sara Jane–yes, just a pea sized glob. In the future, though, I will get the push sticks like Miss B./Tristan recommended. Similar to these: http://www.pennbottle.com/deodorant.htm
Susan–that doesn’t surprise me. I think it’s the same thing with hair washing. I hear that the more you wash your hair, the more you need to wash your hair. My hair dressers have always got on me about washing it less, but I can never do it less than every other day. I just can’t!
Jules, thanks for sharing. I really want to try it ;)
How do you even know HOW to make deodorant? How did you even come up with the realization that you could???
It’s a personality trait. ;) I think people with analytical personalities eventually run out of things to dissect (the future, their spouses, their mothers, the economy, life, etc.) and turn to things like common household products.
Oh Jules, you cracked me up with this one! Such a perfect description of those college hippie wannabes with their heavy scent of patchouli!! I’m with you…my dislike of that scent has continued…not anything to do with these folks, i just don’t think i like the scent all that much! But I’ve always wanted to try my hand at making my own deodorant! I used to be really into aromatherapy and made lotions, bath oils, shampoo…but never deodorant! Hmm, maybe I should try this now…oh if only there were more time in the day :)
oh boy! I hate patchouli too! Can we have an update on the cold cream? Did you like the Burt’s bee’s? Thanks, you crack me up =)
So glad to know what you’re wearing on your underarms. No, I’m serious. I like that you’d share this.
And, cant’ wait to hear how the crackers turn out. Ina Garten has a recipe I’ve wanted to try…
One of my dear friends, who has hippie-ish leanings, uses patchouli as her signature scent. I’ve always hated the smell of patchouli, but since I’ve known her it’s at least taken on more pleasant associations. :-)
Without a doubt this is my favorite post since “meeting” you through BYW. Completely hysterical- you had me laughing out loud… your poor arms. they must have grown tired of being stuck down to your sides! LOL! I remember that post on Angry Chicken and thought about trying it except that some of the ingredients were not available in Morocco. Well, they might have been, but were not on my list of “functional Arabic!” You’ll have to give us an update for sure!
Tina–“functional Arabic?” Hilarious. :) If you don’t buy the supplies pretty soon you’re going to have to figure out how to say shea butter in Danish. And, yes, I DID keep my arms at my side! Like a robot!
I LOVE your site and everything you have done to it so far. I can’t wait to read about your latest adventures.
I’m sorry this is going to be a little random and only relate slightly to a snippet of your post, but the whole “I bought a deodorant I don�t like to save a dollar and spent $18 to replace it” thing reminded me of when my mom made some laundry detergent from scratch…
She was grating Fels Naptha soap with a nice, sharp grater – and managed to grate her hand right at the bottom knuckle of her thumb. Down to the bone. Of course she needed stitches, but she refused to go to the emergency room because she “would not spend $500 to get a couple of stitches when trying to save a few bucks on laundry soap!”. Ha!
I’m glad your new deodorant is working for you – but if you end up finding a DIY anti-perspirant… let us know! :)